Open APIs


Open API for Automation [Enabler]

The Open API for Automation Enabler implements all the public cloud service endpoints belonging to the FAR-EDGE Automation Domain. Public endpoints allow external systems to interact with elements of automation workflows deployed on the Edge Tier (Edge Automation Services) and on the Ledger Tier (Orchestration and Configuration Services) of the FAR-EDGE Platform. Such elements are exposed as REST resources. Subscriptions are also supported.

Functionality description:

  • Edge Automation Services – Specification, configuration, execution and monitoring of automation workflows on specific EGs or across multiple nodes.
  • Orchestration Services – Deployment on the Ledger Tier of a new Orchestration Service. Invocation of a service endpoint exposed by an Orchestration Service. Monitoring of the shared state (ledger events) of an Orchestration Service.
  • Configuration Services – Deployment on the Ledger Tier of a new Configuration Service. Invocation of a service endpoint exposed by a Configuration Service. Monitoring of the shared state (ledger events) of a Configuration Service.

The Open API for Automation Enabler depends on:

  • Edge Automation Services Enabler for the implementation of its core functionalities;
  • Ledger Clients Component (Cloud Tier version) for accessing Orchestration Services and Configuration Services on the Ledger Tier;
  • Identity Management Component for the authentication of callers;
  • Policy Decision Point Component (Cloud Tier version) for the authorization of calls.

Open API for Analytics [Enabler]

The Open API for Analytics Enabler implements all the public cloud service endpoints belonging to the FAR-EDGE Analytics Domain. They allow external systems to interact with the distributed data analysis logic deployed on the Edge Tier (Edge Analytics Engine) and on the Ledger Tier (Data Publishing Services) of the FAR-EDGE Platform. Similarly, the endpoints are RESTful web services.

Functionality description:

  • Edge Analytics Engine – Deployment, configuration (including data sources and data fusion rules), execution and monitoring of edge analytics processes on specific EGs or across multiple nodes.
  • Data Publishing Services – Deployment on the Ledger Tier of a new Data Publishing Service. Invocation of a service endpoint exposed by a Data Publishing Service. Monitoring of the shared state (ledger events) of a Data Publishing Service.

The Open API for Analytics Enabler depends on:

  • Edge Analytics Engine Enabler for the implementation of its core functionalities;
  • Ledger Clients Component (Cloud Tier version) for accessing Data Publishing Services on the Ledger Tier;
  • Identity Management Component for the authentication of callers;
  • Policy Decision Point Component (Cloud Tier version) for the authorization of calls.

Open API for Virtualization [Enabler]

The Open API for Virtualization Enabler implements the public cloud service endpoints, belonging to the FAR-EDGE Simulation Domain, that is related to the integration of external simulation tools. It also implements the public cloud service endpoints belonging to the FAR-EDGE Digital Models XC Functions.

These endpoints are not directly connected with the lower Tiers of the FAR-EDGE Platform, as their only concern is to enable the interaction with simulation scenarios and with the digital models that underpin them.

Functionality description:

  • Definition and configuration of simulation scenarios, including simulation configurations. These will be fully compliant with the FAR-EDGE digital models.
  • Execution of simulation scenarios, including simulation of CPS systems, machine and devices. The simulation will leverage information and digital models of the inputs and outputs of the CPS systems, along with data mining models and statistics (e.g., time series analysis) that will be used to describe and determine the outputs of the CPS systems during the simulation.
  • Management of digital models synchronization, including configuration of the Real-to-Digital Synchronization Component and deployment of Synchronization Services on the Ledger Tier.

The Open API for Virtualization Enabler depends on:

  • Model Repository Component for all interactions with digital models;
  • Real-to-Digital Synchronization Component for implementing configuration functions;
  • Identity Management Component for the authentication of callers;
  • Policy Decision Point Component (Cloud Tier version) for the authorization of calls;
  • Ledger Clients Component (Cloud Tier version) for accessing Synchronization Services on the Ledger Tier.

February 12, 2018   1449    Articles    
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