The objective of the 2nd Ecosystem Conference – Edge4Indsutry, was to present the FAR-EDGE project results and the application of FAR-EDGE technologies in the 2 industrial Use Cases within FAR-EDGE: Volvo and Whirlpool.
There were also external use cases presented, such as PHILIPS, JLR, RIASTONE and THYSSEN, which are already using FAR-EDGE technology in their pilots. The FAR-EDGE session agenda:
- 13:15 – 13:45 Welcome & FAR-EDGE Project+Results: Mauro Isaja, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa, Italy (30 mins)
- 13:45 – 14:10 FAR-EDGE Whirlpool Case: Pierlugi Petrali, Whirlpool, Italy (25 mins)
- 14:10 – 14:35 FAR-EDGE Volvo Case: Johansson Pierre, Volvo Group Trucks Operations, Sweden (25 mins)
- 14:35 – 15:00 FAR-EDGE & Predictive Maintenance (PHILIPS & JLR cases @ PROPHESY project): Georgios Kouzas, Software Engineer/IT Researcher @ SENSAP (25 mins)
- 15:00 – 15:25 FAR-EDGE & Zero-Defect Manufacturing (Riastone & THYSSEN cases @ QU4LITY Project): John Soldatos, Athens Information Technology, Greece (25 mins)
- 15:25 – 15:55 Panel Discussion (All) (30 mins)
More information regarding the program of IECON19, can be found here.